nils bruzelius

Nils Bruzelius is a Swedish national with many years of experience from working for donor agencies and international financing institutions. His main expertise is in transport economics. He holds an M.Soc.Sc. in industrial economics from University of Birmingham, UK, and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Stockholm, Sweden.

One of his main assignments has been to assist with preparing for Namibia’s independence from South Africa during the end of 1980s. He later – during the period 1993-95 - served as an advisor to the Namibian government when negotiating the reintegration of the Port of Walvis into Namibia.  Contrary to the wishes of Namibia and the international community, Walvis Bay remained under South African control when Namibia became independent. A successful solution to this conflict was achieved by 1995.  


How the Port of Walvis Bay became Namibian.This is my Story